mommy talk my passions
I love visiting my parents wherever they are but I am most excited to see how their home in the boondocks near us blossom each time we visit. My mom said she wanted us over to have a belated birthday celebration for me-her baby so we came hungry and prepared for a really good
March 9, 2015 by Mommy Maricel
mommy talk my passions
This is the view I see everyday when I drive out of our village to bring my children to school. It is lovely and I almost have to pinch myself daily to remind myself that I am not dreaming. I thrive in this kind of vastness and it liberates my mind. But there are many
January 27, 2015 by Mommy Maricel
mommy talk my passions
It is freezing here in Beijing as we celebrate my husband Anthony’s graduation from his EMBA from Tsinghua Insead and we are so happy we could share this moment with him. I still don’t know how he managed to finish such a daunting task which took 18 months ! In between all those months of
January 22, 2014 by Mommy Maricel
mommy talk my passions my children
My super energetic son, Benjamin has been on house arrest for two weeks because of a stubborn cough. We have minimized his sports training and racing to help him recover faster. As a result, he’s been restless and to put it bluntly-bored. Now, I do not encourage my children to even say the work bored
June 3, 2013 by Mommy Maricel