mommy talk fitness
It’s been quite a while since I last updated you here, folks. Sorry about that-misplaced my camera and just found it. I promised I would update you with my New York experience. Well, I think that my CNN moment would interest you so here…I’m giving you just that. So many friends are wondering how I got to be interviewed by CNN. Well, let me just put it this way-they found out I was in town for the marathon and tracked me down so that when news broke about its cancellation, they wanted to know what I had to say about it.
I was asked to make a statement as soon as NYRR head Ms. Mary Whittenberg announced the cancellation of the 2012 NY Marathon that I don’t exactly remember all that I said but basically I admitted being shocked about the cancellation because the minute Hurricane Sandy hit, Mayor Bloomberg said the Marathon wouldn’t be cancelled and so it is quite a shock to learn about its cancellation 36 hours before the marathon. I remember saying though that of course I understand the situation because so many people were affected. I did admit however that it was sad that it seemed like the decision was based on some political controversy…
*Photo courtesy of Tyrone Regaliza
It was a relief to finish the interview as I was so nervous-I couldn’t believe that I had just been heard all over the world! It was not over though as I was asked to come to the studio for a live on-cam interview the next day….
We had actually been unable to move about with the gasoline shortage and power failure in most areas of New Jersey and New York so we found it such a huge blessing to be picked up by CNN’s limo to be whisked to New York for a live interview..
I have been to the United States so many times and even lived there during my high school days but I never got to visit New York. It was great to finally have the chance to see it with Solana and Anthony, who had run the Marathon last year.
We finally got to town and had to pinch myself that our destination was indeed Turner Broadcasting!
As soon as we arrived, we were asked to stay in a waiting room before having my make-done. So we enjoyed the nice view from our window…
Anthony enjoyed the coffee…
Then it was time for my make-up
and then of course the interview…
Click here to see the video: CNN INTERVIEW – iPhone
It was short but sweet. I managed to say that coming from the Philippines, we know how it is like to experience storms and that if the marathon pushed thru, I would run it as that was what I was there for. Since it was cancelled, I was there to help.
What a privilege to be able to share my thoughts and though I didn’t realize my dream to run the New York City Marathon this year, I will definitely be back next year!
I went on to check out the expo just the same and got my bib which I used when Coach Ani and I with a lot of runners ran at the Central Park
I also got a chance to see friends from Timex of course…

With Keith Meyer Manager, Event Marketing & Sponsorships and Laura Szeliga Chief Marketing Officer at Timex
Till next year!
November 27, 2012 by Mommy Maricel