mommy talk
I will share with you a secret…I can’t do many things, but I am ABLE with the help of several Dream Teams to back me up. Dream Team 1 is comprised of my mentors. They are the precious women who have walked with me for many, many years in my journey as a wife and mother. They also have wrestled with me on a variety of issues I have faced to help me see a better path. They have prayed with and for me on many occasions and together we have dreamed together on many life goals as well as hopes for our nation. Having mentors who are committed to my growth and development is a gift. A greater blessing is to have those who are brave enough to tell me things that are not confined to what I want to hear but also those that throw me off and make me keep my feet on the ground.
If you are a woman, gift yourself with such women. Surround yourself with a genuine companion of friends and you will find yourself bigger and more ABLE in more ways than one.
October 22, 2013 by Mommy Maricel