mommy talk my passions my children

My super energetic son, Benjamin has been on house arrest for two weeks because of a stubborn cough. We have minimized his sports training and racing to help him recover faster.  As a result, he’s been restless and to put it bluntly-bored. Now, I do not encourage my children to even say the work bored and today, I almost made a major boo-boo by almost not allowing Benjamin’s pleading to go to the grocery to get some ingredients for his recipe.  He had spent all morning researching for what to bake.  I gave in to his request and wow- really, WOW!  I have to say- this is the best tasting cinnamon roll I have tasted in my life.

Thanks to Benjamin’s boredom, we are blessed!


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June 3, 2013 by Mommy Maricel

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