mommy talk
” Always reward your long hours of labor and toil in the very best way, surrounded by your family. Nurture their love carefully, remembering that your children need role models, not critics, and your own progress will hasten when you constantly strive to present your best side to your children. And even if you have failed at all else in the eyes of the world, if you have a loving family, you are a success”. – Og Mandino

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August 26, 2014 by Mommy Maricel
I really relate for ur life ms.Sharon I’m 53 now excastly I’m been experience the only difference ur super star and I’m super u do the right thing just continue what u doing and God take care the rest
Thanks, Angelita! More power to you, SuperMom!
Dear Maricel,
Thank you for sharing these lovely photos. They are lovely.
Send my regards to Shawie. Wishing her and your whole family all the happiness in the world. Beautiful people.
Glad you like the photos, RR. God bless!
This is beautiful. It must be hard having to constantly have so many eyes watching your every move. I can only imagine what some members of your family have gone/going through most specially Sharon. All the best to all of you and hope the love and care within the circle of your family stays strong. Happy Birthday to Kiko Pangilinan and all my love to you and Sharon xxx
You are truly blessed for having such a wonderful family.And I am blessed by reading your verse from the Bible Psalm 19:14. Continue to be a blessing to many. God bless you!
A great invaluable quote from Og Mandino, which reminds me of Jackie Kennedy’s quote re:family: “If you bungle raising your children, I think whatever else you do well matters very much”, which restores my faith in the institution of family’s future.
Correction: ….bungle raising your children, I DON’T think whatever else….
It is refreshing to witness celebrity clans like the Pangilinans definitely get their priorities straight (what matter most in life): family and feet firmly planted on the ground. It’s commendable that your visibility as celebrity clan is being tapped to the fullest for your supporters to pattern their lives after.
Here’s wishing your clan well and that you all continue leading exemplary lives of integrity, service for others, groundedness, and value-centeredness for others to see/witness.