You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You’ll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don’t take my sunshine away
–Jimmie Davis & Charles Mitchell
Solana means Sunshine. She turns 3 today. She came as a surprise and brightened up our lives!
For me as mommy, I am calmer and freer. I am also having more fun in my parenting because of Solana’s arrival.
From Anthony
It’s been 3 years of sheer joy with Solana!
From Ate Ella after I (Maricel) asked forgiveness for all my mistakes in parenting her as first born:
I don’t remember them anymore, Ma. We’ll do better this time (with Solana).
From Hannah
I will take care of her, Mama.
From Benjamin
I cannot imagine my life without her (Solana). She is my best friend.
From Kuya Donny
You (Solana), Princess. You, Baby pa.
Princess dress from Tita Carol Sevilla
Famous Last words from Solana:
On who we are-
(When any of us raise our voices) You are a Princess, you are not a monster. Only monsters raise their voices.
Jesus loves me!
On disagreements-
(When we mistakenly argue in front of her) Say sorry. Hug and Kiss. Now.
On Mama-
(Everyday she tells me this while looking intently in my eyes) Mama, you are beautiful. I love you!
On Daddy-
Me, Princess. Mommy is Queen. You also Queen, Daddy. (She actually means King). Tell me a story Daddy when you were a little boy and then rockabye me like a baby..
On Animals and Insects all around her-
They are my friends, be careful (not to hurt them)
On Photos and posts
That’s enough. Me baby pa.
On phones, gadgets and gizmos
Put that down, now. That’s enough
When finding herself in a new place with new faces
I’m shy
Thank you , Princess Solana for reminding us to see ‘sunshine’ in our days and the blessings we have to cherish each day. Yes, indeed you are a baby and we honor and celebrate that so you won’t need to grow up so fast and it’s ok to be shy. We are also reminded to preserve your innocence and exposure as you are your private person. We respect when you are old enough to decide what you want to share. That is a right every ‘baby’ should have. Take your time. We are just here patiently waiting when you are ready in God’s perfect time for you.
What a privilege and blessing to be your mother!