mommy talk

I was the last to consider relocating to the Southern part of Manila to embrace suburban living.  I was fine at our former home where our family lived for 17 years but I was outnumbered.  My husband and children were all gung-ho about it so I surrendered and never looked back.

Here is majestic Mt. Makiling that greets us in the morning.  I have to admit, it was this that convinced me that we made the right choice to set up our permanent home here in the boondocks.


Having been a lacto-ovo vegetarian for 15 years, I think one of the most beautiful benefits of having moved here which I can’t get over is to be able to cultivate our own veggies that grow well and fast because of the nice, chilly weather in very fertile soil.

These cherry tomatoes bloomed beautifully in our garden and each bite reminds me of Tuscany where I carried some for snacks in the plane on our way back to Manila and made sure I saved some for planting.  They’re imported Tuscan cherry tomatoes grown in the Philippines!


These veggies were all harvested from our garden.  Most of my seeds have been acquired thru Harbest and some from saving the seeds of the organic veggies that come our way which my Manang extracts the seeds from and then cultivates.


We then partner them with mostly live foods which are uncooked or slightly cooked.  Most of my greens are sourced directly from my ‘Kuya’ Kiko’s farm Sweet Spring Country Farm.  I have the privilege of getting them the same day they were picked because right after harvest, the delivery van passes by our vicinity before heading to different destinations to deliver pre-ordered veggies.


Our super Kale is care of Cathy Turvill’s Nurture Wellness Village.


Another great source of organic fruits, veggies and meats would be Gippy and Hindy Tantoco’s Holy Carabao Farm.  They have a variety of options for carnivores and herbivores alike.


On fast paced days, I have drawn a lot of strength from creatively concocted super healthy juices made with care by Maika Perez of The Juice Barista.  They are perfect for when you get stuck in traffic or during marathon meetings.


Now, I am proud to say that I love the South and thrive here.  Thanks to all that surrounds that nourishes and revitalises us with so much stuff that are certified to be good for our growing bodies.

Once in a while, whisk yourself here in this side of the planet.  You will find yourself truly blessed!

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March 19, 2015 by Mommy Maricel

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