
I have just been introduced to this superfood, called Kale.  Upon learning about all its benefits, I am happy to have it in almost everything I eat.  You can eat it raw, juiced, slightly cooked or baked. Check out it wonders: anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, more iron than beef (now I can clearly say where my protein comes from-being a lacto-ovo vegetarian), more calcium than a container of milk, low cal and no fat, pumped up with vitamins A, K & C!


You don’t normally find Kale just about anywhere in Manila but guess what we stumbled upon just the other day–Cathy Turvill’s lush and bountiful supply of Kale grown in her farm just a few hundred meters away from her Nurture Wellness Village in Tagaytay.


I was so happy to be able to bring a bunch home and hopefully one of these days, a kit that can soon allow me to plant it in our garden.  Cathy said she will soon make this available as cultivating Kale requires a special blend of care in the right environment.  Yay to superfood, Kale!


For order inquiries call or text The Nurture Spa via +63 918 888 8772 or visit their stalls at the Salcedo Market every weekend.

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February 27, 2015 by Mommy Maricel

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