mommy talk my passions food
I have been obsessing about my edible garden for some time now and I love that we have been able to cultivate an edible garden since we moved here in the boondocks where the air is fresh and the space so abundant with fertile soil. However, I have been quite frustrated with how it has been aesthetically presented. Since then, I have tried to look for able partners to try to help me come up with a garden that will be home to the veggies and herbs we so love to consume on a daily basis while at the same time appealing to my family and friends to come visit and appreciate as they harvest and then partake of the fresh, organic produce we serve them for meals.
It was thru a village family day event where I met the people behind East West Seeds as they came to teach us about how to maximise the space we have before us in our village in the boondocks. They helped set up our village garden that will harvest lots of veggies . They presented it so well that I invited them for a challenge to work on our garden.
It was an exciting time for our family and the weather was perfect to work on the garden.
This was how our garden looked before. We had planted 150 pineapples and we were able to harvest twice already. We have been blessed to have a steady supply of pineapples that we made as fresh juices daily.
When the East West Seed gang headed by Mr. Third Dayag they came in full force and I knew they were seriously going to transform our edible garden into something awesome so my excitement grew even more.
Their truck sign said it all- Farm Ready alright for it contained all the necessary tools to make a farm up and running in a jiffy!
We had to clear the whole area and I was hesitant to disturb my pineapples but Third assured me that he would still maintain them and relocate them so that it would be part of the design and that they wouldn’t be harmed. I am very sentimental with my plants. I talk to them, I value them and want to take care of them. They are like an extension of myself and I had to trust that Third knew what he was talking about since I got him to help me and he was the expert. As we cleared the area, it was such a joy to have harvested these pineapples and cherry tomatoes.
My Manang was first on the site to get the freshly harvested produce so she could serve it fresh , pronto!
Laying out the plots seemed so easy for the East West Seed team and they worked swiftly to come up with this design.
Because they came with hybrid seedlings already (this was grown for a couple of weeks before our project), we saw a glimpse of what our veggies would look like.
After a few weeks when the veggies have grown a bit more, Third came back again to check on how our garden has grown and to give us pointers on how to prevent pests (organically) and how to continue to cultivate our garden. We then proceeded to label them so we could appreciate them better.
This is so far the finished (work in progress) product. I don’t think we will ever finish because an edible garden evolves as the veggies grow and harvested. I am just so happy that we have been able to set a template to our garden that we can continue to beautify and multiply. Next on our agenda: edible landscaped herb garden. Stay tuned!
Special thanks to East West Seeds for guidance, support and helping us realise our dream of a landscaped edible garden. For inquiries, contact Mr. Third Dayao thru +639175534327
June 29, 2015 by Mommy Maricel